Are you seeking ways to invest capital that lead to shared prosperity?
We deploy our capital to shift who benefits from the U.S. financial system. We invest in teams and models that drive results that benefit the many, not the few. The good news is that there are numerous ways to invest in a more inclusive and sustainable economy.
Results that benefit the many, not the few
We deploy our capital across the range of capital (loans, equity, plus some grants) and a range of investment return expectations(+1% to +25%).
To learn where we are investing:
We believe that working together we can go farther, faster.
Please reach out to explore ways we can partner (e.g., sharing pipeline, strategies).
Note: We are not a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) nor are we raising outside capital.

Examples of Our Impact
Expanding asset ownership through homeownership
Blackstar Stability Fund refinances Contract for Deeds and other debt instruments to provide homeowners with real wealth building opportunities
Increasing access to credit
Esusu uses data to assist renters and property managers
Promoting quality jobs
Apis + Heritage finances business conversions to Employee Stock Ownership Programs (ESOPs).
So far, Legacy Fund I has
Advancing climate justice
Sunwealth finances and manages solar projects that benefit diverse communities through clean power, job creation, cost savings, and carbon reduction. Since 2014, Sunwealth has delivered attractive fixed-income returns to investors while also achieving significant impact: